Support Us
We look forward to individuals, organizations and international entities with likeminded interest in e-governance and Internet governance to partner with us. We welcome grants and donations that can make us achieve our aims.
To see an Africa that is fully matured in e-Governance and Internet Governance participation and development.
To conduct advocacy, research and champion initiatives that encourage best practices and participation in e-Governance and Internet Governance across Africa.
We believe Integrity counts in everything. In the context of an Internet development organization such as ours, we believe integrity of data, communications and processes ensure trust for our work
We endeavor to ensure clear and understandable processes for both internal and external stakeholders
The scale and growth of the global Internet has been shaped by open-standards, and we believe that this principle of openness applies to our work as we intend to scale and grow
Compassion and the desire to do good and do well underlies our work and gives us the energy, passion and enthusiasm for our work
We take timely actions and intervention very seriously. We do everything to make sure every engagement meets scheduled timelines.
We believe that the rights and freedoms enjoyed offline should also apply online. We also believe that people should be free to have access to Internet tools to express themselves to enforce their rights
EGIGFA was formed in August 2019, by Raymond, Sarata, Sedem and Jacob. They also serve as the executive committee members of the foundation and its sub-entities.
Advice, guide and plan activities to enhance e-governance and internet governance to governments, governmental agencies, international agencies, corporate bodies and individuals
E-Governance and Internet Governance Foundation for Africa (EGIGFA) is a fully registered organisation in Ghana. It is established with the purpose of advocating and enhancing e-governance, internet governance, digital rights and inclusion, and cybersecurity, etc activities in Africa and beyond.
In order to successfully execute the mandates of EGIGFA, two other sub entities are established: Ghana School on Internet Governance (GhanaSIG) and Internet Governance Club. These sub entities, help us in our outreach and engagement activities.
EGIGFA also serves as an avenue to reach out to the various governmental agencies in Africa responsible for ensuring effective e-governance issues are handled well to be informed, trained, and enlightened on what to do.
This ensures that African countries perform well and get better ratings in the United Nation’s e-governance survey. This survey measures and rates the e-governance performances of member states and the African countries do not have good ratings.
Bring together people who are interested in e-governance and internet governance related issue.
We look forward to individuals, organizations and international entities with likeminded interest in e-governance and Internet governance to partner with us. We welcome grants and donations that can make us achieve our aims.