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EGIGFA’s Lavish Mawuena Mensah awarded DiploFoundation Scholarship

The E-Governance and Internet Governance Foundation for Africa (EGIGFA) is excited to announce that Lavish Mawuena Mensah has been awarded a scholarship by DiploFoundation (Internet Governance Capacity Building) to pursue eight week online course on Introduction to Internet Governance. The scholarship covers full tuition cost and is awarded to an outstanding Fellow of the Ghana School on Internet Governance (GhanaSIG).

This kind gesture is based on an agreement between EGIGFA and DiploFoundation.

Lavish is part of the first batch (the year 2020) of the GhanaSIG Fellowship Programme. He’s an initiator and easily takes initiative at will. When he was selected as a Fellow in the year 2020, he used his various social media handles to put his mates together which started a vibe among the Fellows even before they officially got together.During the Fellowship, he fully participated in all activities and caught the attention of the EGIGFA management team. Based on his hard work, he was appointed to join the EGIGFA team as Program Officer – Finance.

Lavish is a man of many skills who is driven by passion towards any endeavor he embarks upon. Aside from working on EGIGFA’s financial records, he also designs most of our artworks. He is also behind most of our social media posts. These roles he performs passionately.

The scholarship earned by Lavish is indeed well deserved and we look forward to him contributing more to the Internet Governance (IG) ecosystem to attract more people, especially the youth to engage actively in Internet policy development in Africa.

Sarata Omane

Vice President – Admin and Strategy

(Co-Founder)GhanaSIG Programme Manager

About the Author

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